Adventure Out - Backpack


Southern California


Nature is, after all, the great reservoir of energy, confidence, and endless hope, and of that joy not wholly subdued by the pale cast of thought…” -Joseph Krutch

There is something magical and awe-inspiring about spending time away from our daily lives in the backcountry. Here in California we are blessed to have some of the most incredible wilderness areas in the world right in our backyard. Our belief and vision at Adventure Out when it comes to backpacking is experience – to live free, breath clean air, and enjoy our natural surroundings. We don’t believe in the “death march” style of backpacking that has been popularized recently. It’s not about how many miles you cover, or how many ounces you can shave off your pack weight. But rather, taking time for you, away from the hustle-and-bustle, to reconnect with nature and your own inner spirit.
Below are some of our favorite trips that we offer every year. In addition to these, we are available for private guiding everywhere in the state of California (and perhaps beyond!) – contact us for more info.

Going to the backcountry on your own? These classes are a must:

Wilderness Skills And Survival Clinic

Wilderness First-Aid Certification